Bilingual Blog / Blog Bilingüe

Hello I'm Luis!

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The goal of Asheville Multicultural is to highlight the rich cultural diversity in Asheville

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Blog Sponsored by Buncombe County Government

Hola Asheville! Today  I have an interesting vlog for you, and I hope you can see the value of the conversation you are about to witness.

As someone with Afro Latino roots creating content highlighting diversity in Asheville, I was excited to meet Rachel, and to learn about the work she is doing in our community.

Rachel Edens is the first in the history of Buncombe County to have the job she was hired to do. For those involved in creating change at the local level, this is extraordinary.

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I wish you the best of luck Rachel and I look forward to learn more about African American History in WNC.

Stay tuned.

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Coming soon

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history on african american in WNC

Cooming soon

Next week on our vlog: Everyone loves NY cuisine, and next week I’m visiting Zella’s Deli in downtown Asheville 🗽​


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