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Hello I'm Luis!

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The goal of Asheville Multicultural is to highlight the rich cultural diversity in Asheville

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Asheville has great restaurants no doubt, and with all the variety of international flavors and cuisines available in this town, it is impressive to see a place like Tastee Diner holding its ground, while building  a strong and supportive  community.

When I visited, I had breakfast because Tastee at this time is only open for breakfast and lunch, however this is about to change very soon, in fact, this should happen by the end of April.

What did I have? A messy, and bombastic  HOT CHICKEN SANDWICH that felt like a burrito wrapped on a HONEY BUN. 

While I was eating this delicious breakfast I also had a great conversation with Chef Steven Goff  about why he loves honey buns, and trust me, if you ever meet him and he tells you about his inspiration behind this sandwich, you will know that sometimes inspiration comes from the most unexpected places and times.

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We also talked about California,Mexicans, life on the streets,  traveling by cargo train during our younger days,  and homelessness in our life, in Asheville, and the importance of creating change, while building  strong relationships in the community.

Tastee Diner is funky, the food is awesome, and oftentimes messy, but messy, the kind that makes you not care if the world might be watching you. I also love the fact that Tastee Diner has made it a point to support local Chefs by hosting pop ups to showcase some of the local talent in our culinary scene.  You see, Asheville, like the rest of the country was hit hard during the pandemic and the restaurants that made it through,  made it because of  local support.

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With this said, here is the video of the place, I hope you enjoy it, and please consider subscribing to the first bilingual newsletter in Asheville!

They also have one of my MUST HAVE MEALS IN ASHEVILLE  btw! 

The MOST AMAZING FRENCH TOAST, is like having dessert for breakfast!

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Take a look at our video here 👇🏽

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156 East Chestnut St. Asheville, NC 28801

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