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The goal of Asheville Multicultural is to highlight the rich cultural diversity in Asheville

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Parsons law firm

¿Qué tal amigos? You must be wondering what in the world are Condesa, Tepito and Coyoacán

Well, these are neighborhoods in México City that are very traditional and with lots of history. 

For example Coyoacan was the home of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.

If I was to describe these places as people, I would say that Condesa is the hipster one, Tepito is the troublemaker and Coyoacan is the artsy one.

But let’s bring it home,I was surprised when I first noticed these names on the breakfast  menu for Taco Temple. I thought  cool names, and once I read the ingredients it made perfect sense!

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The Condesa taco is made with sweet potatoes, vegan crema, scrambled eggs, Jack cheese, and hand made tortilla with organic corn imported from México.

Coyo taco is made with scrambled eggs, bacon, jack cheese, hand made tortilla with organic Mexican corn.

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Tepito! This one is my favorite, you see in my 22 years living in Asheville, I have not seen ANYONE ELSE making CHORIZO VERDE!

Fun facts about this place

They are the first Mexican Restaurant in Asheville making their tacos with organic corn imported from México, they have been doing this for a while now. 

Meat is purchased from Hickory Nut Gap local farm 

Condesa is a very hipster area in México City, Coyoacan is where Frida Khalo’s Casa Azul is located, and Tepito is known as a tough place, and also famous for their MICHELADAS, among other things.

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TACO TEMPLE is located at 132 Charlotte, Street in Asheville, NC If you go, breakfast is served daily from 9-12, plenty of seating inside and outside. *Also, they have HALF OFF HOUSE MARGARITAS ON MONDAYS, and TAMALE THURSDAYS.

Take a look at our video here 👇🏽

Blog Sponsored by:

Taco Temple, 132 Charlotte St
Asheville, North Carolina 28801

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