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The goal of Asheville Multicultural is to highlight the rich cultural diversity in Asheville

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👈🏼Blog Sponsored by Vicky Blanche

What up my peeps!? Many people in town are curious and intrigued by Mayan culture in Asheville, but did you know there is a beautiful and delicious meal named COCHINITA PIBIL with Mayan roots and guess what?! I had it  a few, and sporadic times in Asheville, until I FOUND IT in the regular menu at LA RUMBA RESTAURANT LATINO YO!

Traditionally cooked for hours underground, and marinated for at least 24 hours, when you have this in the Peninsula of Yucatan it is an incredible experience.

Cochinita pibil tacos asheville multicultural
Cochinita pibil at la rumba latino restaurant in asheville asheville multicultural

Chef Mike from La Rumba is a very talented individual and he has adapted the recipe, because some ingredients are impossible to get in Asheville.  

So, next time you are in the East side and you are hungry or you would like to try kick ass Mexican food this is the place.

Located at 105 River Hills Road. Asheville, NC

Here, take a look at our YouTube channel and DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!

* If you want to discover more of the international food scene in this city, I encourage you to visit 

Coming soon!

The vibrant Latin dance scene in Asheville 💃🏽 🕺🏽

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